Membership is open to all serving and retired Police Officers, irrespective of rank, gender and/or religion with no age barrier of service for enrollment.
A specific application form is available for those interested in joining the IPA. Those who wish to newly join will have to submit the application form duly filled with two recently obtained coloured photographs of passport size and forward the application with a payment of Rs. 5100 /= and certified photocopies of the national identity card and the police identity card, if serving and if retired with a copy of the pension identity card to the under noted address.
National Secretary General, International Police Association –Sri Lanka Section Police Field Force Headquarters, Havelock Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka. |
Tel : Fax: E-mail. |
011 2552228, 011 2553422 011 2552228, |
- If serving, the application form should be channeled through the OIC / ASP District & SSP Division.
- Serving police officers should forward their applications with two passport sized colour photographs taken in uniform.
- The retirees should forward their applications with shirt and tie.
- Retirees should also attach a copy of the General Order (GO) of their retirement.